Tables for Top Institutions in DOLLAR VOLUME OF PRODUCTION 
by Asset-Class are broken down as follows:


All Institutions Nationally

Institutions with More Than $10 Billion in Assets
Institutions with $1-$10 Billion in Assets
Institutions with $500 Million-$1 Billion in Assets
Institutions with $300-$500 Million in Assets
Institutions with $100-$300 Million in Assets
Institutions with Less Than $100 Million in Assets



Tables for Top Institutions in OTHER BENCHMARKS (e.g. Concentration, Penetration, Productivity, Density, Contribution)  by Asset-Class are broken down as follows:


All Institutions Nationally

Institutions with More Than $10 Billion in Assets
Institutions with $1-$10 Billion in Assets
Institutions with $500 Million-$1 Billion in Assets
Institutions with Less Than $500 Million in Assets