Every Successful Bank Insurance Program
Begins With The First Step
Shortly before D-Day, meteorologists forecast the likelihood of storms in the English Channel.
Faced with the risks of delaying the planned Normandy invasion and the risks of bad weather ruining the Channel-crossing and troop landing, General Dwight Eisenhower, made the ultimate life-and-death decision. He concluded simply, “OKAY, WE’LL GO.”
General George Patton expressed the same sentiment this way:
"Don't delay ...
A good plan executed now
is better than
a perfect plan next week."
Like generals, banks must identify all their resources, harness them, and then use them.
No matter how worthy the financial findings and strategic-planning recommendations of
The MWA Bank Insurance Economic Assessment Report™, banks must ACT on them in order to produce top-line revenue and bottom line profits.
No matter how clearly plans for implementation are charted in
an MWA-developed strategic plan, they have no value unless the bank ACTS on them.
If you are interested in the potential
for bank insurance sales,
MWA encourages you to ACT today.