Financial services professionals want
real-world information and advice.
Financial services professionals are impatient with conference speakers who know little about their industry, and they are skeptical of "experts" who have never implemented a strategic plan or accounted for bottom line profits.
That’s why Michael White Associates offers speaking services. We are seasoned bank insurance professionals who understand the time value of money and the value of your time.
In a world where productivity is an
issue, motivated business people want a
speaker who produces!
"As always, your presentation was not only very informative but also shed a tremendous amount of light as to the changing landscape of insurance and banking!"
— Mario Bartoli, CFP, Vice
Connecticut SBLI Managers’ Association
"Your presentation was outstanding and has
received ample coverage in the local press. Again, many thanks for your effective presentation."
— Arturo L. Carrión, Executive Vice President
Puerto Rico Banker's
Dr. White is known for "connecting with the audience" and delivering addresses that are consistently "excellent," "professional," "informative," "powerful," "lively," "dramatic," and "extremely valuable."
"It’s the first time as a group we have had a
good overview of what’s happening in the
financial services marketplace and how
it impacts life insurance companies."
— William F. Carroll, President and CEO
Life Insurance Association of Massachusetts
Dr. White has helped introduce bankers to the insurance market as professor of Retail Delivery of Insurance Products for the American Bankers Association's Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
MWA serves as the instructor for the bank insurance educational seminars of the Independent Community Bankers of America
Dr. White addresses groups representing all segments of the financial services industry, including banks, insurance companies, trade associations, actuarial and accounting firms, law schools and bar associations, regulators, rating agencies, and university-sponsored forums and institutes.
Click Here for a partial list of audiences
Dr. White has addressed.
In addition, MWA conducts private work sessions for companies, specially tailoring presentations and seminars for their boards of directors, senior officers, and institutional-clients of financial institutions, insurance companies and financial services trade associations.
To discuss a speaking engagement or arrange a specialized seminar with Dr. White or other MWA Associates,
please contact us.
